Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Crocheted Air Plant Pots

My husband and I love plants.  Okay...I love to look at plants.  Keeping them alive is another story.  I don't understand how I can keep the kids alive but plants...not so much.  I have found though that this little Air Plant of mine {the only inside plant that is mine and I am allowed to be in charge of} is doing just great.  Now I may have had to google how to care for it and set a weekly reminder on my calendar to water it but hey, I am pretty proud of myself. 

If you have never heard of an air plant don't worry you are not alone.  I did not know anything about them until maybe a year ago.  They are these pretty strange looking plants that don't have roots and don't need to be planted in soil.  They do however need to be watered so don't let the name fool you.

You might be thinking "how do you water them if they are not planted in soil?"... at least I was.  That is where the googling came in.  Thankfully the answer is pretty simple.  About once a week depending on the humidity of your home, you can either mist the plant or soak it in water for 5-10 minutes.   I choose the soaking.  So once a week when my calendar alerts me I fill a bowl with water and float my air plant in it.  After 5 minutes I flip it over to allow the other side to have it's turn in the water.   

The most fun part of an Air Plant though is that because they don't need soil, they can be placed into any container that you want... making them perfect for these super cute, crocheted pots.  I found a great simple pattern from Whistle and Ivy and whipped up a bunch in different colors.  

There is 4 size options since Air Plants come in all different sizes.  You can check out the pattern here and make your own unique pot.  

Keep crocheting, 



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